Thanks for sharing all this info there’s so little about it anywhere. I have one question however, when your using the AirPods as hearing aids, do you have to also have your iPhone on?

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I do not have the option for audiogram under “tune audio for” section! Why I’m on iOS 18

And I do have an audiogram file uploaded into my Health app

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Sorry, I don’t know. This post was written for iOS 17 and perhaps things have changed for iOS 18, which I’m not yet using.

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Should the noise control be off or transparency?

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I recommend adaptive or transparency mode.

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Hmm Mimi just got back to me and said: both ANC and Transparency have to be off

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Yes, for the Mimi testing that is true.

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Perfect thank you!

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i'm an android owner, but can 'borrow' an apple device to set this up, so, will using these earbuds with none apple devices affect their performance as 'hearing aids'


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I have a couple Android phones, but I haven’t tried the AirPods with them. Given how Apple tends to work, my gut tells me they won’t work as hearing aids on non-Apple devices. I’ll have to see if I can figure out a good way to try to test this.

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maybe i'm misunderstanding, but my assumption would be that once their clear of the apple bluetooth connection they would function as normal hearing aids if they've been set up that way, and it's only if their subsequently joined to an android bluetooth connection that the apple settings might get overridden, though to be honest, given they should accept bluetooth connections from any OS i might be being overcautious

i.e. they don't need to be connected to any bluetooth device to function as hearing aids, presumably they 'turn on', and act as hearing aids, upon leaving the charging case ?

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